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Templates in WENS Haelo

WENS Haelo provides a comprehensive range of templates for various site needs, including archives, blog layouts, custom pages, and specialized single-post designs.

  1. Page 404: Template for the “Page Not Found” error.
  2. Archives: Displays all archive pages.
  3. Front Page: Default template for the site’s homepage.
  4. Home: Template for the homepage.
  5. Index: General fallback template for posts.
  6. No Title: Pages with no title displayed.
  7. Pages: Default layout for regular pages.
  8. Search: Template for search results.
  9. Single: Default layout for individual blog posts.
  10. wp-custom-template-about: Custom layout for “About” pages.
  11. wp-custom-template-post-no-sidebar: Post layout without a sidebar.
  12. wp-custom-template-post-with-sidebar: Post layout with a sidebar.
  13. wp-custom-template-service: Custom template for service-related pages.