Homepage Sections

Please once refer below to know how to manage homepage sections.

How to manage Banner Slider Widget Section? #

1. Go to “Edit with Elementor” section, and add the ”Banner Slider” widget.

  • Edit Banner Slider: The section is set using the widget ”Banner Slider” of the elementor plugin.

1. Go to “Edit with Elementor” section, and add the ”Featured Trips Section” widget.

  • Edit Featured Trips Section: The section is set using the widget ”Featured Trips Section” of the elementor plugin.

How to manage Features Categories Widget Section? #

1. Go to “Edit with Elementor” section, and add the ”Features Categories Section” widget.

  • Edit Features Categories Section: The section is set using the widget ”Features Categories Section” of the elementor plugin

1. Go to “Edit with Elementor” section, and add the ”Gallery Section” widget.

  • Edit Gallery Section: The section is set using the widget “Gallery Section” of the elementor plugin.

How to manage Counter Widget Section? #

1. Go to “Edit with Elementor” section, and add the ”Counter Section” widget.

  • Edit Counter Section: The section is set using the widget ”Counter Section” of the elementor plugin.

How to manage Latest Trips Widget Section? #

1. Go to “Edit with Elementor” section, and add the ”Latest Trips Section” widget.

  • Edit Latest Trips Section: The section is set using the widget ”Latest Trips Section” of the elementor plugin.

How to manage Testimonials Widget Section? #

1. Go to “Edit with Elementor” section, and add the ”Testimonials Section” widget.

  • Edit Testimonials Section: The section is set using the widget ”Testimonials Section” of the elementor plugin.