You can create your own custom menu in WP Yatra. You can go to Navigation Block on the header Or Simply go to the “Template Editor -> Template Parts” and click on Template Parts with the header to edit the header navigation.
Here are steps to create Custom Menu:
- Go to Site Editor
- Click on Navigation Block on Header from “List View,” then you will find the Navigation toolbar Click on “Select Menu” and “Create on New Menu”
- Or you can Go to Template Editor -> Template Parts with Menu (Header With Buttons)
- Click on Select Menu -> Create a New Menu -> Start Empty
- After clicking on Start Empty, click on Add Block and type the Page you want to add to your custom menu
- You can add more links and edit link text and menu items by clicking on the “+” sign to add more items to your custom menu
- Further you can create sub menus also, just click on the menu item there you will find the icon to create a “Sub Menu” and add items in your sub-menu accordingly
- To rename your menu, click on the setting icon on the top left of your page. You can also find other advanced features
Note: To avoid confusion, click on List View to edit or select menu