Demo importing is a way to import all the theme demo data. This makes importing all the WordPress demo content possible, including customizer data, settings, used plugin data, etc. To be more precise, the demo import option lets you import the following: All posts, pages, custom post-type content, and images.
First of all, to import a demo you need to have the following plugins: install WP Travel, WP Travel Pro, and WP Travel Blocks plugin.

After installing and activating needed plugins you need to follow these steps:
- Log in to your website’s WordPress dashboard.
- Then click WP Travel>Demos as shown below:
You will be taken to a page where you can browse through available demos and find your demo theme from the demo collection.
And look for the theme demo you want to import and click on the “Import” button associated with that demo. The import process may take some time, depending on the size of the demo and your server’s performance. You may see a progress bar or a success message indicating that the demo import is in progress or has been completed successfully.
After the import is complete, you may need to configure some settings or customize the imported content to match your preferences.