Table of Contents
There are 3 ways you can add Patterns to your website:
Drag and Drop #
- Click on the “+” sign on the top bar to display the Pattern
- If you want to add Patterns click on Patterns, Scroll down, and to find “Theme Patterns”, choose the pattern you wish to add provided by WENS Agrovibe
- Simply Drag and Drop your block/pattern to the desired site area
- Make necessary changes
- Finally, Click “SAVE” to save changes
Top Tool Bar #
- Click on the “+” sign on the top bar to display the Pattern
- If you want to add Patterns click on Patterns, Scroll down, and to find “Theme Patterns”, choose the pattern you wish to add provided by WENS Agrovibe
- Click on the desired pattern to add
- Make necessary changes
- Finally, Click “SAVE” to save changes
Adding directly #
- Click on the “+” sign in the template or page to display patterns
- Then search for a pattern in the search bar
- Make necessary changes
- Finally, Click “SAVE” to save changes