How to create custom menu?

You can create your own custom menu in Travel Knock. You can go to Navigation Block on the header Or Simply go to the “Template Editor -> Template Parts” and click on Template Parts with the header to edit the header navigation.
Here are steps to create Custom Menu:

  • Go to Site Editor
  • Click on Navigation Block on Header from “List View,” then you will find the Navigation toolbar Click on “Select Menu” and “Create on New Menu”
  • Or you can Go to Template Editor -> Template Parts with Menu (Header With Buttons)
  • Click on Select Menu -> Create a New Menu -> Start Empty
  • After clicking on Start Empty, click on Add Block and type the Page you want to add to your custom menu
  • You can add more links and edit link text and menu items by clicking on the “+” sign to add more items to your custom menu
  • Further you can create sub menus also, just click on the menu item there you will find the icon to create a “Sub Menu” and add items in your sub-menu accordingly
  • To rename your menu, click on the setting icon on the top left of your page. You can also find other advanced features

Note: To avoid confusion, click on List View to edit or select menu