General Options

This option includes various Sub-section which are mentioned in the articles given below.

General Styling #

This Setting has various options which are described below:

  • Styling Options Location: This option allows user to select locations for Styling, This option has two sub-options which are described below.
    • WP Head: This option allows to style the WP Head.
    • Custom Files: If you choose Custom File, a CSS file will be created in your uploads folder.
  • Primary Color: This option allows the user to set the Primary Color.
  • Hover Primary Color: This option allows the user to set the Primary Hovering Color.
  • Main Border Color: This option allows the user to set the Main Border Color.
  • Background Color: This option allows the user to set the BackgroundColor.
  • Background Image: This option allows the user to set the Background Image.
  • Link Color: This option has two categories that are mentioned below.
    • Color: This option allows the user to set the Link Color.
    • Hover Color: This option allows the user to set the Hovering Color for Links.

General Settings #

This option has various categories which are mentioned below.

  • Layout Style: This option allows the user to choose between the 3 layouts mentioned below.
    • WIDE: This option makes the wide layout.
    • BOXED: This option makes the wide layout.
    • SEPARATE: This option makes the wide layout.
  • Outside Background: This option allows the user to add color for the Outside Background.
  • Inner Background: This option allows the user to add color for the Inner Background.
  • Content Padding: This option allows the user to add padding for content.
  • Widgets Padding: This option allows the user to add padding for content.
  • Main Container Width: This option allows the user to add width for the Main Container.
  • Content Width: This option allows the user to add width for a Content.
  • Sidebar Width: This option allows the user to add width for a Sidebar.
  •  Enable Schema Markup: This option enables Schema Markup.
  • Pages:
    • Pages Layout: This option allows users to choose the layout for the Pages.
    • Content Padding: This option allows users to add the gapping for content.
    • Source: This option allows the user to choose a source.
    • Search Posts Per Page: This option allows users to add the number of posts per page.
    • CUSTOM SIDEBAR: This option allows users to enable/disable the custom sidebar.
    • Mobile Sidebar Order: This option allows users to select the layout for Movile sidebar orders.
  • Enable Opengraph: This option allows user to enable an open graph.
    • Twitter Username: This option allows users to add Twitter usernames.
    • Facebook Page URL: This option allows users to add Facebook URL.
    • Facebook App ID: This option allows users to add Facebook App ID.

Page Title #

This option have various categories which are mentioned below.

  • HIDE PAGE TITLE AT FRONTPAGE?: This option hides the page title on the front page.
  • Visibility: This option allows the user to choose where the page title should be displayed.
  • Heading Tag: This option allows the user to choose the Heading.
  • Style: This option allows the user to style the content with the help of categories this option.
  • Padding (px): This option allows the user to add padding for the top and bottom.
  • Background Color: This option allows the user to select the color for the background.
  • Text Color: This option allows the user to select the color for the text.
    • ENABLE BREADCRUMBS: This option allows the user to enable/disable the breadcrumbs.
    • SHOW ITEM TITLE: This option allows the user to show/hide the item title.
    • Position: This option allows the user to choose the position for Breadcrumb.
    • Breadcrumb Separator: This option allows the user to add the Breadcrumb Separator.
    • Home Item: This option allows the user to choose between Icon and Text which will display Home as the user selects.
    • Translation for Homepage: This option allows the user to add a Translation for Homepage.
    • Translation for “404 Not Found”: This option allows the user to add a Translation for 404 Not Found.
    • Translation for “Search results for”: This option allows the user to add a Translation for Search results.
    • Posts Taxonomy: This option allows the user to choose the categories for Posts Taxonomy.
    • Products Taxonomy: This option allows the user to choose the categories for Products Taxonomy.
    • Text Color: This option allows the user to select a color for text.
    • Separator Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the seperator.
    • Link Color: This option allows the user to select a link color.
    • Link Color Hover: This option allows the user to select a Hovering color Link.

Scroll to Top #

This setting has various options which are mentioned below.

  • Scroll up Button: This option allows the user to enable/disable the scroll up button.
  • Arrow Icon: This option allows the user to select the icons for the Scroll to Top icon.
  • Position: This option allows the user to choose the position for the Scroll to Top.
  • Bottom Position: This option allows the user to choose the positioning of the Button.
  • Button Size: This option allows the user to adjust the button size.
  • Icon Size: This option allows the user to adjust the icon size.
  • Border Radius: This option allows the user to increase/decrease the border-radius.
  • Background Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the Background.
  • Background Color Hover: This option allows the user to select a hover color for the Background.
  • Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the icon.
  • Color Hover: This option allows the user to select a hover color for the icon.

Pagination #

This setting has different options which are described in detail below.

  • Pagination
    • Align: This option allows the user to choose the alignment for pagination.
    • Font Size: This option allows the user to adjust the font size according to their preference.
    • Border Width: This option allows the user to add width to a border.
    • Background Color: This option allows the user to choose the color for the background.
    • Background Color Hover: This option allows the user to the hover color for the background.
    • Color: This option allows the user to choose the color Pagination.
    • Color Hover: This option allows the user to choose the hover color Pagination.
    • Border Color: This option allows the user to choose a border color for Pagination.
    • Border Color Hover: This option allows the user to choose a border hover color for Pagination.

Forms (Input – Textarea) #

This setting have various section which are mentioned below.

  • Label Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the label.
  • Padding: This option allows the user to add padding for labels on top, right, bottom, and left.
  • Font size: This option allows the user to adjust the font size in pixels.
  • Border Width: This option allows the user to add a border width on top, right, bottom, and left.
  • Border Radius: This option allows the user to add a radius to the border.
  • Border Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the border.
  • Border Color Focus: This option allows the user to select a Focus color for the border.
  • Background Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the background.
  • Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the texts.

Theme Buttons #

This setting have various section which are mentioned below.

  • Padding: This option allows the user to add padding for button on top, right, bottom, and left.
  • Border Radius: This option allows the user to add a radius to the border.
  • Background Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the background.
  • Background Color Hover: This option allows the user to select a Hover color for the background.
  • Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the texts.
  • Color Hover: This option allows the user to select a Hover color for the texts.

404 Error Page #

This Setting has various options which are described below:

  • Blank Page: If this option is enabled it removes all the elements and has full control of the 404 error page.
  • Layout: This option allows the user to choose the layout for the 404 pages.
  • Select Template: This option allows the user to choose a template to replace the 404 pages.

Theme Icons #

This Setting has various options which are described below:

  • Select Icons: This option allows the user to select the icon.
  • Blog Entries Icons Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the Blog page Icons.
  • Single Post Icons Color: This option allows the user to select a color for the Single Post Icons.